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- README for mp3asm
- =================
- License: Unlimited use for private purposes permitted, as long
- as you don't remove author information, license and
- disclamier. Commercial / for-profit use requires my
- explicit permission.
- Disclaimer: This software is provided "as-is". Whatever you
- do with it, it's at your own risk. I can not be
- held liable for any damage resulting from this
- software. If you don't accept this, don't use the
- software.
- ---------------
- This software is currently in alpha testing stage. That means
- that it might not work as expected or described, and in fact it
- might not work at all. Maybe it also causes your computer to
- explode and kill your cat. See the disclaimer above.
- Of course, it is also possible that this software works fine.
- Also note that syntax and semantics of command line options,
- format of output messages and other things may change in future
- versions. And they most probably _will_ change.
- -----
- Type "mp3asm" without arguments to see a short online help.
- Basically, mp3asm operates in three different modes:
- 1. Verify mode
- This mode can be used to check whether an mp3 file is ok or
- not. Just type:
- mp3asm -v myfile.mp3
- Any errors encountered will be printed to stderr, along with
- other information. Note that the absence of error messages
- does _not_ mean that the file is guaranteed to be compliant
- with the MPEG audio specification.
- Do not specify more than one file in verify mode -- the
- result will most probably not be what you expect. (Tech
- info: mp3asm tries to read in all files at once, merge them
- together internally and build a new MPEG stream from it,
- which can cause errors even though the single files are
- correct).
- You should use the -v option to make mp3asm a bit more
- verbose.
- 2. Fix mode
- This mode can be used to fix broken mp3 files. It works
- like verify mode, but in addition you specify an output file
- using the -o option:
- mp3asm -v broken.mp3 -o fixed.mp3
- It will then read in the broken file, throw away everything
- that looks broken, and writes the remaining data to the
- specified output file. Note that you can specify the same
- name for input and output file, since mp3asm won't write
- any output until all input files are read and analysed --
- however, this is a bit risky, because you will lose the
- original file, even if fixing the mp3 stream fails for some
- reason.
- You can specify "-" as output file to write to stdout.
- Note that there may be still errors left inside the actual
- frame data -- there is no way to find such errors without
- completely decoding the audio stream, which is beyond the
- scope of mp3asm. In such a case you can use a decoder to
- find out which frames are broken, for example:
- mpg123 -ytvvv broken.mp3
- The you can use the assemble mode of mp3asm to cut out the
- broken frames, or replace them with other frames (although
- the latter is very tricky).
- 3. Assemble mode
- Using this mode (which is where the name mp3asm comes from)
- you can cut parts from mp3 files and re-assemble them to a
- new mp3 stream. The simplest thing you can do is to just
- concatenate multiple mp3 files:
- mp3asm file1.mp3 file2.mp3 file3.mp3 -o new.mp3
- It will read the specified files, build a new valid mp3
- stream and write it to the specified output file. Note that
- the input files should not be broken -- if they are, use the
- fix mode of mp3asm on the individual files first.
- Important note: All the input files _must_ have compatible
- frame parameters. That means: same bitrate, same sample
- frequency, same stereo mode, same protection flags etc.
- If those parameters are not the same, the result will not be
- what you expect. (Tech info: mp3asm has to produce an mp3
- stream with uniform frame parameters. If the input frames
- don't have the same parameters, mp3asm has to throw away
- those frames which are in the minority, because it's not
- possible to change parameters like bitrate, sample frequency
- etc. without completely decoding/recoding the stream. In
- other words, mp3asm has to ignore the smallest of the input
- files.)
- If you don't want to use an entire mp3 file as input, you
- can specify a part of it using the -s (skip) and -n (number)
- options. The smallest unit in a stream is a "frame", which
- is about 1/40 second for 128 kbits, 44.1 kHz files (to be
- exact: 32/1225 second). Example:
- mp3asm -s 10 -n 5 a.mp3 -s 20 -n 3 b.mp3 -o z.mp3
- It will skip the first 10 frames in a.mp3, then read 5
- frames, then skip the first 20 frames in b.mp3 and read
- 3 frames. The output file z.mp3 will contain 8 frames:
- frames 10 - 14 from a.mp3, and frames 20 - 22 from b.mp3
- (the first frame is numbered 0).
- The default is "-s 0" (don't skip frames) and "-n -1" (read
- till end of file), i.e. files will be read completely by
- default. Note that the -s and -n options affect _all_ input
- files specified after them. Thus:
- mp3asm -s 30 -n 5 a.mp3 b.mp3 c.mp3 -o z.mp3
- Will read frames 30 - 34 from a.mp3, b.mp3 and c.mp3, so the
- output file z.mp3 will contain 15 frames. Another example:
- mp3asm a.mp3 -s 5000 a.mp3 -o z.mp3
- This will read the complete file a.mp3, then append the
- ending (starting at frame 5000 in this case), so the frames
- from 5000 to the end will occur twice in succession in the
- output file z.mp3.
- Hint: mpg123 also has options to skip frames (-k) and to
- decode only a limited number of frames (-n), so you can use
- it to find the exact position for extracting frames with
- mp3asm. If you make mpg123 more verbose (-vvv should be
- sufficient), it also displays the current frame number while
- playing -- however, do not use the buffer option (-b) in
- this case, because the displayed frame numbers will be
- inaccurate.
- -------
- The -s and -n options have already been described in the
- section "assemble mode", see above.
- -o outputfile
- Use this option to specify the output file name. You can
- also specify a dash ("-o -") to write to standard output.
- The position of the -o option does not matter. If no -o
- option is used, no output file will be produced.
- -v
- Increase the verbosity level. The default level is 0 (which
- means to stay silent except for errors). Every time you use
- The -v option, the verbosity level is increased by 1. The
- highest useful level is probably 3 (-vvv), which causes
- mp3asm to explain in more detail what it is currently doing.
- Level 4 or more can produce a whole lot of mostly irrelevant
- information, which is normally useless (and might be even
- confusing).
- ----------
- mpg123 is a free, portable MPEG audio player/decoder for Unix.
- For more information, visit the following web page, which also
- contains a link to the latest version of mp3asm:
- http://mpg.123.org/
- If you are interested in technical details about MPEG audio
- files or MPEG compression in general, please refer to the MPEG
- standard documents:
- IS11172-3 (MPEG 1.0)
- IS13818-3 (MPEG 2.0)
- They are published by the International Standards Organization
- and can be ordered from your local ISO representation. They
- might also be available from larger libraries. Note that I
- don't have the time to answer technical questions related to
- the ISO documents.
- 5-Oct-1997
- Oliver Fromme <olli@fromme.com>